拼音:zá luàn 英文解釋:
clutter; disarray; disorder; litter; pell-mell; tousle
繁雜而凌亂一頭雜亂的白髮 >>
查看“雜亂”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 他的圖書分類法似乎雜亂無章。
His method of classifying books seems to be without rhyme or reason.
- 騷動,混亂吵鬧混亂的狀況,雜亂無章的情形
A disorderly commotion or disturbance.
- (人或物)雜亂無序的分組。
a wandering or disorderly grouping (of things or persons).
- 雜亂無章的訓練使他失去良好的競技狀態。
Unsystematic training had knocked him up.
- 我剛整理了保存在我電腦里的很難處理的雜亂無章的數據。
I have just cleared up a bewildering welter of data saved in my computer
- 音樂和藝術更是依靠雜亂無章。
Music and art depend on mess.
- (人或物)雜亂無序的分組。
a wandering or disorderly grouping (of things or persons)
- 房間一片雜亂。
The room was in a state of confusion.