字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>再做的英文翻譯


拼音:zài zuò


redo; refashion
【經】 refashion


  1. 再做白日夢;回到現實中來
    Stop day-dreaming; return to reality
  2. 我不再做你家的搖錢樹了。
    I refuse to be a milch cow for your family any longer.
  3. 使我感到無面目再做此事
    shame me out of doing it again
  4. 再做一次
    do it over
  5. 再做一些好嗎?
    Shall I make some more?
  6. 你必須向我許諾將不再做那種事。
    You have got to promise me that you will not do that again .
  7. 我要把作業留到明天再做
    I will leave my homework over until tomorrow.
  8. 這事可以稍後再做
    It may be done a little later.
