- 重播再一次播放(節目)
To repeat the broadcast of(a program).
- 為再一次努力而集聚力量的行為。
the feat of mustering strength for a renewed effort.
- 我們可以再一次看到倉促作出決定的後果.
Yet again we can see the results of hasty decision-making.
- 這再一次地證明,歷史的潮流是誰也阻擋不住的。
It once again proves that no one can stem the tide of history.
- 煙花妹妹,讓我再一次祝賀你!
Yanhua MM, let me congratulate you one more time!
- 而以色列也再一次開始了打擊巴勒斯坦武裝的行動。
And Israel has again started to crack down on Palestinian militants.
- “那么,莫雷爾先生,再會吧。再一次多謝啦!”
"Then, for the present, M. Morrel, farewell, and a thousand thanks!"
- 再一個字也加不進來了。
There is no room to put in a single additional word.