拼音:zài tóu shàng英文解釋:
【機】 overhead例句:
- 連續不斷的習機轟鳴聲老在頭上響著,使得人人心煩意亂。The constant noise of air craft flying overhead gets on everyone's nerves.
- 一架飛機在頭上嗡嗡飛過。An aeroplane droned overhead.
- 她的頭髮非常滑稽地盤在頭上。Her hair was done up in a very funny way.
- 騎在頭上拉屎拉尿ride on the back of the people and piss and shit on (them)
- 燈光照明是在頭上方直接並乾淨的照射下來的。The lighting is clear and direct, head on.
- 一種絞在頭上的可摺疊的梯子。a folding portable ladder hinged at the top
- 我將布裹在頭上止血。I bound the cloth around my head to stop the bleeding.
- 騎在頭上作威作福ride roughshod on the back of