拼音:zài jiàn 英文解釋:
adieu; aloha; bye-bye; farewell; good-bye; goodbye; pippip; ta-ta; vale中文解釋:
分別時最後說的話 >>
查看“再見”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 我很高興再見到你。
It gives me great pleasure to meet you again.
- 再見,今天愉快!
Good-bye, and have a nice day!
- 我會告訴醫師的。再見。
Vicky:I will tell the doctor. Goodbye.
- 斯通偵探:再見,莫里斯小姐,亨特先生。
DETECTIVE STONE: Goodbye, Miss Morris. Mr. Hunter.
- 我討厭說"再見"。
I hate to say "good-bye".
- 沒關係,希望能再見到您。
Not at all, I hope to see you around.
- 弗蘭拉開門閂,然後轉身說“再見”。
Fran slipped the catch on the door, then turned to say good-bye.
- 他向朋友們高喊再見。
He yelled good-by to his friends.