拼音:zài gōng zuò英文翻譯
【計】 B相關詞條:
- 我們並不總是能在工作中享受到樂趣。We can't always combine work with pleasure.
- 我編造理由說為什么沒在工作,他信以為真了。I made up a story to explain why I had not been at work and he fell for it.
- 他因為在工作時間喝醉了,他們便把他解僱。The booted him out for being drunk at work.
- 我只是試著別在工作時打瞌睡而已。I'm just trying to refrain from drowsing at work.
- 你身體裡的細胞在工作,結果就供給你生存所需要的能量。The cells within your body are at work supplying you with the energy you need for life.