字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>載歌載舞的英文翻譯


拼音:zài gē zài wǔ


festively singing and dancing


邊唱歌,邊舞蹈。原作“載歌且舞”。《樂府詩集·北齊南郊樂歌·昭夏樂》:“飾牲... >>查看“載歌載舞”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 不是槌的打擊,乃是水的載歌載舞,使鵝卵石臻於完美。
    Not hammer-strokes, but dance of the water sings the pebbles into perfection.
  2. 晚上其餘的時間,當多拉為我們載歌載舞時,我一直目不轉睛地注視著她。
    For the rest of the evening I gazed at Dora as she played and sang to us.
  3. 晚上其餘的時間,當多拉為我們載歌載舞時,我一直目不轉睛地注視著她。
    For the rest of the evening I gazed at Dora as she played and sang to us.
  4. 一會兒所有的孩子都開始載歌載舞起來了。
    N a little while all the children piped up and began to dance
  5. 不一會兒所有的孩子,都載歌載舞起來。
    In a while all the children up and began to and began to dance.
  6. 一會兒所有的孩子都開始載歌載舞起來了。
    N a little while all the children piped up and began to dance.
