- 這些詞也許今後一輩子也不會再讀到了。
These are words which may not be seen again in a lifetime of reading
- 再讀《論語》
Rereading of The Analects of Confucius
- 我可以把剛剛的再讀一次,如果你喜歡的話。
MR. MCCORMACK: I can read it to you again, if you like.
- 再讀《新教倫理與資本主義精神》——韋伯命題的現實意義
Rereading the protestant ethics and the spirit of capitalism
- 誰是玩偶——再讀《玩偶之家》
Who is a doll?——Re-reading "A Doll House
- 性格命運與文化悲劇——再讀曹禺的《北京人》
Character Fortune and Culture Tragedy——Reread Peking Man of Cao Yu
- 按照我的勸告,他決定把這本小說再讀一遍
Acting on my recommendation, he has decided to read the novel once more.
- 對比:凸顯人文主義理想——再讀《李爾王》
Comparison: Advocate The Idealization Of Humanism——Reread King Lear