字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>再度的英文翻譯 “再度”的日文翻譯


拼音:zài dù


afresh; once again; once more


再次;又一次決不允許歷史的悲劇再度重演! >>查看“再度”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 當我看到這照片,美好的回憶又再度浮現
    When I saw the picture, happy memories came back.
  2. 當春天再度來臨,我們舉行一次野餐好嗎?
    When spring rolls around again, shall we go on a picnic
  3. 再度修訂計畫
    revise the plan a second time
  4. 刑期屆滿時他將再度被驅逐。
    One the expiration of the sentence he will be re-expeled.
  5. 謝謝您在本餐館用餐,請再度光臨。
    Thank you for dining with us. Please come again.
  6. 政府希望能在下次選舉中再度執政。
    The government hopes to be returned to power at the nest election.
  7. 店主曾希望生意再度興隆起來。
    The shopkeeper had laid his hopes on a revival of trade
  8. 他說把他再度受傷和亞運會扯在一起是不公平的。
    He said that to blame the Asian Games for his relapse is unfair.
