拼音:yǔ yún 英文解釋:
nimbus; rain cloud
(1) (2) 致雨的雲(3) 暗黑色的密雲 >>
查看“雨雲”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
nimbuscloud 2.
nimbus 3.
nimbi 中英例句:
- 我討厭好些雨雲,我想我們應該在天還未下雨,我們還沒被淋濕以前及時趕回家。
I don't like the look of those rain clouds and think we should return home while the going is good, before it rains and we get soaked.
- 雨雲正在聚積起來。希望它們會散去。
Rain clouds are banking up. Hope they'll blow over.
- 確認附近航線間的積雨雲。完畢。
Confirm cumulonimbus on the near path. over."
- 積雨雲已確認。氣壓沒有問題。
Cumulonimbus Confirm. Barometric no hazard.
- 太陽透過雨雲發出有雨意的光
A watery sun shone through the rain clouds
- 雷雨雲的前兆
The lower of thunderheads.
- 請求上升高度層,因雷雨雲和顛簸。
Request higher level due to CB and turbulence.