拼音:yù yù 英文解釋:
depressed; elegant; gloomy; lush; strongly fragrant
(1) ∶生長茂盛鬱鬱蔥蔥(2) ∶形容憂傷苦悶鬱鬱不樂 >>
查看“鬱郁”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 小鳥為他們歌唱,群星為他們閃爍、鬱郁蔥蔥的山谷到處呈現出豐饒與生機,散發著香噴噴的霧氣。
The birds sang for them and for them the stars shone, and the whole verdant valley, teeming with richness and increase, gave up its odorous vapors.
- 他有點,呃,鬱郁不樂。
He is sort of, erm, depressed.
- 像往常一樣,事情一不順心,瑪麗就會鬱郁不樂。
As usual when things weren’t going her way, Mary turned quite sulky.
- 自從生病之後他就一直鬱郁寡歡。
He seems so low on energy since his illness.
- 我鬱郁寡歡,離群索居,沒有什麼性要求。
I was depressed,withdrawn and sexually frigid.
- 那小山的樹木長得鬱郁蔥蔥。
Trees grow thickly on the hill.