拼音:yù pén英文解釋:
tub【醫】 piscina
浴斛。澡盆 >>查看“浴盆”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.bathtub 2.tub例句:
- 你有沒有聽說過那個傻瓜——他妄想用用個浴盆渡大西洋?Did you hear about that fool who's got a mad-cap idea about rowing across the Atlantic in a bathtub?
- 浴盆的溢流管堵塞了。The overflow from the bath is blocked.
- 固定浴盆a built-in bathtub
- 房間的枕套是髒的 ,浴盆也是髒的。The pillowcases in my room are stained and the bathtub is not clean.
- 一個可抽取的安在浴盆上的用來保持住水流的塞子。a removable plug for holding water in a tub or basin.
- 我來洗浴盆。I will clear the tub.
- 您想要一個帶浴盆的房間嗎?Would you like a room with a bathtub