拼音:yún chèn英文解釋:
rhythm; symmetry中文解釋:
均勻相稱身材勻稱 >>查看“勻稱”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.symmetry 2.regularity 3.proportionment相關對話:
- 不對稱的,不勻稱的失去平衡或對稱性的Having no balance or symmetry.
- 她身材勻稱。She has a neat figure.
- 腰肢纖細,小腿勻稱。a slim waist and shapely legs
- 用有勻稱的圖案的織物編織成的精細的裝飾性纖維。a delicate decorative fabric woven in an open web of symmetrical patterns.
- 她的服裝式樣使得她的身材顯得分外勻稱。The cut of her dress shows off her figure to perfection.
- 複合句正式文體中包括若干從句的結構勻稱的句子A sentence of several carefully balanced clauses in formal writing
- 柔順而富於果香的酒,展示出波爾多酒典型的勻稱。A soft fruity wine displaying typical balance of a Bordeaux wine