拼音:yǔ lín英文解釋:
drench【經】 rain water
- 我當初如果想到要帶雨衣,便不會被暴風雨淋濕了。If I'd had the forethought to bring my raincoat, I wouldn't have got wet in the storm.
- 請從信用證上刪去“淡水雨淋險”條款。Please delete "fresh water damage" from the L/C.
- 使人們免受日曬雨淋的一種帆布天篷。a canopy made of canvas to shelter people or things from rain or sun.
- 我讓雨淋著了。I was caught in the rain.
- 油漆因受雨淋而剝落了。The paint come off as the result of exposure to the rain.
- 高鹼灰渣——煤矸石磚的酸雨淋溶分析Analysis on the acid resistant of coal shale brick with high alkali ash