拼音:yú jiǎo英文解釋:
complement【機】 complementary angle
某一不足90°的給定角或給定弧所不足那部分角或弧的值 >>查看“餘角”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 傾斜餘角因礦脈,斷層或礦井傾斜而與垂直面形成的角度The angle of inclination from the vertical of a vein, fault, or lode.
- 餘割有向角的餘角或弧的餘割The secant of the complement of a directed angle or arc.
- 餘角兩角和為90°,其中一個角叫做另一個角的餘角An angle related to another so that the sum of their measures is90=.
- 傾斜餘角因礦脈,斷層或礦井傾斜而與垂直面形成的角度The angle of inclination from the vertical of a vein, fault, or lode
- 餘割有向角的餘角或弧的餘割The secant of the complement of a directed angle or arc