拼音:yú gōu 英文解釋:
釣魚的鉤子,多呈彎勾狀。 唐 溫庭筠 《寄裴生乞釣鉤》詩:“今日 太湖 風色好,... >>
查看“魚鉤”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
fish-hook 2.
drail 3.
fishinghook 例句:
- 魚餌繫於魚鉤的誘餌,尤用於垂釣
A lure to which hooks are attached, used especially in angling
- 一條小鮪魚咬住了他艉纜上的魚鉤。
A small one took the hook on his stern line
- 魚鉤,魚具
A fishhook or fishing tackle
- 魚鉤,魚具
A fishhook or fishing tackle.
- 魚餌繫於魚鉤的誘餌,尤用於垂釣
A lure to which hooks are attached, used especially in angling.
- 沿水面急拉魚鉤釣魚。
twitch the hook of a fishing line through or along the surface of water.
- 用魚鉤釣
To operate a jig
- 置誘餌於…在(網子裡)或在(魚鉤上)放誘餌
To place a lure in(a trap) or on(a fishing hook)