拼音:yù fù kuǎn英文解釋:
imprest【法】 advance charge; imprest
為允許提供的勞務或產品而預先支付的貨幣 >>查看“預付款”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.advancecharge 2.forwardpayment 3.handmoney 4.prepayment 5.anadvance 6.paymentinadvance 7.advancedpayment 8.deferredcharges漢語造句:
- 預支款預付款或貸款,尤指政府用於執行公務的An advance or a loan of funds, especially for services rendered to a government.
- 預付款帳戶prepayments a/c
- 我需要先交預付款嗎?Do I pay in advance?
- 從銀行得到預付款To receive an advance from the bank
- 我已收到一筆預付款。I have received an advance payment.