字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>月形的英文翻譯


拼音:yuè xíng


【醫】 selene


  1. 半圓壁,弧形窗在高高的屋頂上的小的,圓的或新月形的開口
    A small, circular or crescent-shaped opening in a vaulted roof
  2. 一件新月形的青銅時代的金屬裝飾品。
    a crescent-shaped metal ornament of the Bronze Age
  3. 月形是伊斯蘭教的象徵。
    Crescent is a sign of the Muslim religion
  4. 一件新月形的青銅時代的金屬裝飾品。
    a crescent-shaped metal ornament of the Bronze Age.
  5. 土耳其的國徽為新月形
    The national emblem of Turkey is a crescent
  6. 羊角麵包一種營養豐富的新月形發酵麵包卷或薄餅
    A rich, crescent-shaped roll of leavened dough or puff pastry
  7. 羊角麵包一種營養豐富的新月形發酵麵包卷或薄餅
    A rich, crescent-shaped roll of leavened dough or puff pastry.
  8. 土耳其的國徽為新月形
    The national emblem of Turkey is a crescent.
