拼音:yú dùn英文解釋:
asininity; crassitude; fatuity; imbecility【醫】 imbecility
愚笨遲鈍。《後漢書·皇甫規傳》:“自臣受任,志竭愚鈍。” 唐 張鷟 《朝野僉... >>查看“愚鈍”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.obtuseness 2.moronism 3.crassness 4.denseness 5.density 6.fatuity 7.gawkiness漢語造句:
- 討厭的人愚鈍的、無聊的或討厭的人;害人精An obtuse, boring, or bothersome person; a pest.
- 這個學生非常愚鈍。This student is very dull.
- 休息聖像解除目盲,弱智,愚鈍之觸。Blindness, Feeblemind, and Touch of Idiocy are now removed by Rest Shrines.
- 愚鈍的;愚笨的Obtuse of mind; dense.
- 對愚鈍之人要待他好.Be kind to dumb people.
- 它將使我們的人民智力愚鈍,萎靡不振。It would cramp and cripple the mental and spiritual energies of our people.
- 愚鈍之觸將不禁升階了,因為其無豁免。Touch of Idiocy no longer permits Heighten, as it has no save.