拼音:yú dì 英文解釋:
leeway; margin
空隙的地方,比喻言論或行動中留下的可以迴旋的地步 >>
查看“餘地”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- 格林不願意離開她,但他毫無選擇餘地,非離開她不可。
Green was reluctant to leave her , but he had no choice .
- 對手沒有迴旋的餘地了
The opposition had no room in which to maneuver.
- 胸圍部分多給我留些餘地。
Give me lots of leeway around the chest.
- 「你的攻擊實在不留餘地!剛才真是苦戰。」
"Your attacks are relentless! That was a painful battle"
- 你要知道我無選擇餘地。
You must know I cannot choose.
- 最後,拳擊是務實的!沒有任何扯淡的餘地!
Lastly, boxing is pragmatic! NO ROOM FOR BULLSHIT!
- 我們有20分鐘的餘地趕火車。
We allowed a margin of 20 minutes in catching the train.
- 沒有爭辯或者懷疑的餘地。
incapable of being contested or disputed.