字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>原因的的英文翻譯


拼音:yuán yīn de


【醫】 causal; causative; etiogenic


  1. 2001年AMSA船舶滯留原因的分析及其對策
    The Analysis and Solution on Detention Reasons Incurred by AMSA in 2001
  2. 無明顯原因的發怒;沒有明顯的支持手段。
    angry for no apparent reason; had no visible means of support.
  3. 為了尊貴的客人或在軍事葬禮上的棺材的原因的隨從。
    an escort for a distinguished guest or for the casket at a military funeral
  4. 凹模線上切割過程中炸裂原因的分析
    An Analysis of Die Breakage Cause in WEDM
  5. 結腸癌誤診原因的探討
    The Causes of Misdiagnosis in Colon Cancer: A Discussion
  6. 某加農炮膛炸事故原因的探討
    Inquiry into The Breechblow Causes of A Cannon Gun.
  7. 表示原因的連線詞
    a causal conjunction
  8. 發動機曲軸A_k值下降原因的俄歇分析
    Auger Analysis of A_K Reduction cause of Engine crankshaft
