拼音:yuán tóu 英文解釋:
fountainhead; source中文解釋:
水發源處。比喻事物的本源 >>
查看“源頭”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
spring-head 2.
well 3.
well-head 4.
source 5.
fountainhead 6.
well-spring 中英例句:
- 這條河的源頭是一個湖。
The river springs from a lake.
- 源頭,源泉一條溪流的源頭或源泉
A spring that is the source or head of a stream.
- 河水是在源頭還是在流出之後受到污染的?
Is the water polluted at source or further downstream?
- 湖的源頭(河水流入該湖之處)
The head of the lake, ie where a river enters it
- 要避免上述情況出現,可安排以屏障圍繞噪音源頭。
This is avoidable by arranging the barriers to encircle the noise source.
- 泰晤士河的源頭在哪裡?
Where is the source of the River Thames?
- 源頭起源的那一點,如泉水、小溪或河流的源頭
The point of origin, such as a spring, of a stream or river.
- 源頭不好打。
Yuantou was not easy to attack.