拼音:yuán shǒu 英文解釋:
dynast; head of nation; monarch; sovereign
(1) ∶頭元首股肱(2) ∶君主凡昔元首。——唐&mi... >>
查看“元首”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- 國家元首被軍隊罷免了。
The head of state was deposed by the army.
- 所以領導者也常常被稱為元首。(和元首相比)
So a leader is often compared to a head.
- 我們的代表會見了好幾位國家元首。
Our representatives met with several heads of state.
- 為什麽要有國家元首豁免權?
Why should there be immunity for a head of state
- 名義上的國家元首
the titular head of state
- 國王和王后作為國家元首的君主政體。
a monarchy with a king or queen as head of state
- 皇帝作為國家元首的君主政體。
a monarchy with an emperor as head of state.
- 國王作為國家元首的君主
The monarch as head of state.