拼音:yuán jí英文解釋:
ancestral home【法】 ancestral home; domicile of origin; native place; original domicile
本籍,祖居的地方他原籍廣東 >>查看“原籍”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 他原籍不在這兒。He has no real roots in this area.
- 你的原籍是哪裡呢?A Where are you from originally
- 遣送回原籍send back to one's native town
- 她原籍不在這兒.She has no real roots in this area
- 她原籍台北。She was native to Taipei.
- 他原籍德國。He is a German by origin
- 他原籍丹麥。He is a Dane by origin
- 他原籍法國。He is a Frenchman by origin; His ancestral home is in France