拼音:yuán huá de英文解釋:
sleek; slick and sly; pliable; politic; saponaceous; silken; slippery; smoothsoapy
1.sleek 2.soapy 3.tactful 4.oilily 5.belegato相關對話:
- 她以圓滑的手腕說服他們接受這些變動。She gets them to accept these changes by tactful management.
- 他是個圓滑的[狡滑的/精明的/聰明的]人。He's a smooth/slick/shrewd/clever operator.
- 不可靠的承諾;圓滑的商業交易。glib promises; a slick commercial
- 我從來不信任這些圓滑的推銷員。I never trust these smooth salesmen.
- 她以圓滑的手腕說服他們接受這些變動。She get them to accept these change by tactful management.
- 圓滑的劍尾魚是一個敏捷的泳者並且需要充足的活動空間。The sleek swordtail is an agile swimmer and needs plenty of room.
- 避免可能引起客人不愉快的事物,是需要一點圓滑的手段。It requires tact to avoid things likely to be unpleasant to guests.