拼音:yuǎn dà de英文解釋:
ambitious; broad; long-range例句:
- 目光遠大的人便也心胸開闊。Those who take long views are broad-minded.
- 他有一個遠大的志向。his ambition is to own his own business.
- 遠大的前程展現在他們面前。A great future opens before them
- 目光遠大的人a man of far sight
- 無疑地,在識見遠大的人們看起來,所謂勇夫者是一種可笑的人;Certainly, to men of great judgment, bold persons are a sport to behold;
- PetronasTowers的塔樓,標示著你們遠大的理想。In those towers, you have made a statement about your aspirations