字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>與的英文翻譯



and; attend; get along with; give; help; offer; take part in; with
【計】 AND


1.AND  2.large  3.particpation  4.yonder  5.with  6.battleagainst  7.alongwith  8.consistwith  9.conjunction  10.andor  11.onevenboardwith  12.keepaccountwith  


  1. 吸菸肺部疾病之間有關係嗎?
    Is there a link between smoking and lung disease?
  2. 一名英國女子結婚並且定居在倫敦。
    He married an English woman and took up his residence in London.
  3. 生產者消費者之間的利益衝突將永遠存在。
    The conflicting interests of producers and consumers will be everlasting.
  4. 即使是最聰明的人也會陷入瑣事混亂之中。
    The most brilliant person may be mired in detail and confusion.
  5. 英文動詞主語必須一致。
    In English, there must be concord between a verb and its subject.
  6. 我無關。
    I have nothing to do with it.
  7. 她愛市場上的生趣、喧譁多姿多彩
    She loved the life, noise, and color of the market.
  8. 好萊塢的虛榮繁華似乎強烈吸引著這個女孩。
    The gloss and glitter of Hollywood seemed fascinating to the girl.


與的意思 與 (與) ǔ 和,跟:正確錯誤。與虎謀皮。生死與共。 給:贈與。與人方便。 交往,友好:相與。與國(相互交好的國家)。 〔與其〕比較連詞,常跟“不如”、“寧可”連用。 贊助,讚許:與人為善。 取
