拼音:yóu zī英文解釋:
postage【經】 postage
寄郵件時按規定數額向郵局交納的費用 >>查看“郵資”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.stampage 2.franking相關對話:
- 包括郵資在內,價款一英鎊。Price1, postage included.
- 價格包括郵資在內。The price includes postage charges.
- 說明郵資。Tell about postage.
- 若發生這種情況你能退還郵資嗎?Can you refund the cost of postage in a case like this
- 請問這個寄往法國的包裹郵資是多少?Could you tell me how much this parcel is to France?
- 你有沒有郵資價目表?Have you got a schedule of postal charges?
- 寄往英國的航空郵件的郵資是多少?Whats the postage for an airmail to UK?
- 請問這包裹寄溫哥華要多少郵資?How much is this parcel to Vancouver, please