拼音:yǒu yī diǎn英文解釋:
- 他有一點兒宿醉,所以點了三明治讓胃舒服一點。He had a hangover, so he ordered a sandwich to settle his stomach.
- 有一點危險。There was a suspicion of danger
- 外賓: 有一點。Yes, a bit
- 翻譯:他沒有一點信用,我們得對他的建議提防一些。He has no credibility. We have to be leery of his proposal.
- 有一點病或傾向於病的。somewhat ill or prone to illness.
- 口感清新,草莓和櫻桃的風味中帶有一點橡木和牛油的味道。Aroma of strawberry and other berry fruits with hints of oak.
- 珍有一點害羞。A: Jane is a little shy
- 咦!要輪到我還有一點時間。Gee, it sure be taken a long time for my turn to come around