拼音:yòu xīn 英文解釋:
【醫】 cor dextrum; cor venosum; pulmonary heart; right heart漢語造句:
- 5例孤立右心室發育不全的MRI和CAG診斷
MRI and CAG Diagnosis of 5 Cases of Isolated Right Ventricular Hypoplasia
- 雙腔右心室的外科治療(附5例報告)
Surgical treatment of 5 ca(?)es with double chambered right ventricule
- 急性呼吸窘迫綜合徵患者右心室功能不全的研究
Study on right ventricular dysfunction in ARDS
- 心臟左右心室間有不正常的開口。
an abnormal opening between the left and right atria of the heart.
- 右心DDD起搏的同位素位相分析
Phase analysis of right ventricular DDD pacing
- 未見右心室肥大體徵。
No signs of R hypertrophy were found.
- 對新生荷斯坦犢牛心臟右心室結構進行了觀測。
The structure of ventriculus dexter was observed in Holstan newborn calf.