字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>有銷路的英文翻譯


拼音:yǒu xiāo lù


【經】 merchantability


  1. 有銷路
    To have a strong footing in a market
  2. 這些貨物,沒有銷路
    There is no market for these goods.
  3. 舊汽車在科威特沒有銷路
    Second-hand cars were a drug on the market in Kuwait
  4. 我覺得有些商品在加拿大會很有銷路
    I think some of the items will find a ready market in Canada.
  5. 等外品現在沒有銷路
    Off-grade qualities are now at a discount
  6. 有銷路,暢銷
    To find(have) a ready market
  7. 他們的商品沒有銷路.
    They found no sale for their goods, ie could not sell them.
  8. 在秋季, 棉布服裝沒有銷路
    There's no sale for cotton dresses in the autumn.
