拼音:yǒu wèi dào英文解釋:
relish; sapidity; smack相關對話:
- ”,對話十分簡短,特有味道。The dialogue is very brief. It is tasty.
- 生命內涵的多樣性,就有如食物中的調味料,讓生命更豐富,更有味道。Variety is the spice of life. That gives it all its flavor.
- 但草根既沒有味道,也不能填飽肚子。But it was tasteless stuff and did not satisfy.
- 病人吃東西沒有味道。A sick man has not much taste for food
- 味素使食品有味道。Monosodium glutamate impart flavo(u)r to food.
- 調味品使食品有味道。Condiments impart flavour to food.
- 生咖啡豆既沒有味道也沒有香氣。The green coffee beans have no flavor or aroma.