拼音:yóu wán 英文解釋:
play; amuse oneself; stroll about
嬉戲玩樂 >>
查看“遊玩”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 我算不上是個好水手,但我喜歡坐著我的小船在河上遊玩。
I am not much of a sailor, but I like to about, in my little boat on their river.
- 在晚間大多數兒童都在遊玩,而有幾個仍在做他們的功課。
Most of the children were at play, but some were still at their lesson in the evening.
- 他喜歡遊玩甚於工作。
He is fonder of play than of work.
- 人們在假期可以搭帳篷遊玩的地方。
a site where people on holiday can pitch a tent
- 露西外出遊玩。
Lucy went out to tour around.
- (在節日中)化裝遊玩尤指在節日期間戴面具或化裝出遊
To go merrymaking in a mask or disguise especially during a festival
- 你旅遊玩得愉快嗎
Did you have a good time on your travelling
- 我希望你們郊遊玩得很痛快。
I hope you enjoyed your outing.