拼音:yóu tài jiào tú 英文解釋:
Judaist; Hebraist; Jew相關詞條:
Jew 相關對話:
- 安息日猶太教徒和一些基督教派認為星期六-一周的第七天為休息和拜神的日子即安息日
The seventh day of the week, Saturday, observed as the day of rest and worship by the Jews and some Christian sects.
- 羅馬天主教是第二個最大的團體,有四千六百萬教徒。猶太教徒有五百六十萬,東正教徒有七十萬。
Roman Catholics were the next largest group with46,000, 000 members, There were5,600, 000 Jews and700,000 Eastern Orthodox Christians.
- 耶路撒冷對所有的基督教徒、猶太教徒和穆斯林都是神聖的。
Jerusalem is sacred to all Christians, Jews, and Muslims.
- 猶太教徒戴的便帽(尤其是祈禱時)。
a skullcap worn by religious Jews (especially at prayer)
- 北歐人在納粹用語中,指非猶太教徒的白種人,尤指北歐人
In Nazism, a Caucasian Gentile, especially of Nordic type.
- 屬於或具有非猶太教徒特徵。
belonging to or characteristic of non-Jewish peoples.