字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>優勝者的英文翻譯


拼音:yōu shèng zhě




  1. 巴尼很能辨認賽狗,因而常常能挑選出優勝者來。
    Barny has a good eye for a greyhound and very often picks the winner
  2. 優勝者將獲得去英國旅遊的獎賞。
    Winners will be rewarded a trip to England
  3. 優勝者發獎
    award prizes to the winners
  4. (優勝者)繞場一圈
    lap of honour
  5. 評審會即將宣布優勝者
    The jury is about to announce the winners.
  6. 學生甲:大概誰先追上,誰就是優勝者了。
    Student A: Whoever is able to catch the pig first must be the winner.
  7. 裁判員,評判員被指定決定一場比賽或競賽優勝者的人
    One appointed to decide the winners of a contest or competition.
  8. 我們急於想聽到宣布賽跑優勝者名單。
    We were eager to hear the announcement of the winner of the race.
