拼音:yǒu shàn 英文解釋:
amicability; fraternization; friendship
朋友之間親近和睦的與亮友善。——《三國志·... >>
查看“友善”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 不傾向於友好、友善。
not disposed to friendship or friendliness.
- 儘管她很不友善,但是我對她沒有惡感。
I feel no ill will towards her in spite of her unkindness
- 今天,對待它們的態度就友善多了,而且還夾雜著一些懷舊色彩。
Today they are viewed a little more favourably and with some nostalgia
- 我們跟他們有友善的交情。
We are on a friendly footing with them
- “莫雷爾先生待我一直特別友善。”唐太斯回答。
"M. Morrel has always been exceedingly kind to me," replied Dantès.
- 偽裝成友善的樣子對我說話
Spoke to me under the guise of friendship.
- 弗蘭克屬於真誠友善的那一類人。
Frank was a genuinely friendly sort
- 探險家發覺當地土人不友善。
The explorer was conscious of natives unfriendliness.