拼音:yōu róu guǎ duàn英文解釋:
indecision; irresolution; yea and nay【法】 irresolution
形容做事猶豫不決、不果斷太溫順而優柔寡斷的性格 >>查看“優柔寡斷”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 亨特為人優柔寡斷。Hunter is infirm of purpose.
- 優柔寡斷的人不易下決心。A vacillating person finds it hard to make up his mind.
- 在該影片中,奧立維爾把哈姆雷特演成了優柔寡斷的悲劇人物。Olivier , in the film , makes Hamlet a figure of tragic indecision
- 慌亂,緊張;興奮優柔寡斷的焦慮狀態A state of indecisive agitation
- 你們所處的時代不容許軟弱或優柔寡斷。The times you are living through do not permit of weakness or indecision.
- 他是一個優柔寡斷的人。He is a yea and nay man
- 喬治是那些優柔寡斷的人當中的一個。George is one of those people who have trouble making up their minds .
- 他們本質並不壞, 只是優柔寡斷。They are not bad in themselves but they're so weak-minded.