拼音:yóu rén英文解釋:
tourist; visitor中文解釋:
見“遊客” >>查看“遊人”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 夏季遊人成群結隊到博物館和藝術館參觀。In the summer, tourists flock to the museums and art galleries.
- 一塊招牌警告遊人勿踏草地。A notice warns the sightsers off the grass
- 遊人止步no visitors; out of bounds
- 樹上的猴群向遊人接二連三地投擲水果。The monkey in the tree aim volley of fruit at the tourist.
- 這頭大猩猩現在已經回到動物園的圍欄里供遊人參觀。The gorilla is 【back in its enclosure】 【on public display】.
- 這裡遊人可以欣賞江上的景色。Here visitors can enjoy the view of the river.