拼音:yóu qī英文解釋:
oil paint; paint【化】 paint
【醫】 paint
【經】 oil colours
塗油漆油漆家具 >>查看“油漆”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.coatwithpaint 2.oilpaint 3.oilcolour 4.painting 5.varnish 6.oilvarnish 7.coatingcompound 8.painted 9.oilcdour 10.pek例句:
- 注意,油漆未乾!Mind the wet paint!
- 他們刷了一層油漆以防止船隻被海水氧化。They painted a coat of paint to prevent the oxidation of the ship by seawater.
- 油漆正在剝落。The paint was peeling.
- 油漆大都剝落。Most of the paint had crumbled off.
- 窗簾和油漆不相配。The curtains don't match the paint.
- 這牆需要再塗一層新油漆。The wall requires a new coat of paint.
- 酷熱使建築物上的油漆起了浮泡。The heat had blistered the paint of the building.
- 窗戶上那些金屬花邊如不上油漆,很快就會生鏽爛掉。If you don't paint those metal trimmings on your windows, they will soon rust away to nothing.