拼音:yóu lì英文解釋:
tour; travel; itinerate; journey; peregrinate【法】 travel
(1) ∶到遠地遊覽;考察遊歷名山大川(2) ∶漫遊 >>查看“遊歷”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.itinerate 2.peregrination 3.peripatetic 4.peregrinate 5.stroll 6.travell 7.tour相關對話:
- 他們正在印度遊歷。They're touring (in) India.
- 這名吟遊詩人在全國遊歷,吟唱他自己寫的詩歌。The minstrel travelled about the country singing songs and poems written by him.
- 他是一位遊歷各地見多識廣的作家。He is a much traveled writer
- 去年夏天我們遊歷了長江三峽。We visited the Yangtse Gorges last summer.
- 康德穿著背心遮陽帽在街上高興的走,現在一個遊歷戰士該有的他全有了。He treads on the air in his new vest and sunbonnet.
- 他老是談他的遊歷。He talked of his travels in season and out of season.
- 今年五月我們遊歷了東非的肯亞和坦尚尼亞。We traveled to Kenya and Tanzania of East Africa in May 2007.