- 他們是友好關係或他只是暫時工作。
they were on a friendly footing or he worked on an interim basis.
- 進一步發展友好關係
further develop relations; build on the friendly relations
- 促進友好關係
contribute to the growth of friendship
- 友好關係對於一樁生意來 說是一種無形的資產
Goodwill is an invisible asset to a business
- 在外交領域僅有點重新友好關係的跡象。
And there are only fitful signs of renewed amity among diplomats.
- 很高興能有機會來恢復我們的友好關係。
We shall welcome a chance to renew our friendly relationship.
- 追憶過去的友好關係, 不勝懷念
look back with nostalgia to that period of friendly relations
- 關係,友好關係,尤指一種互相信任,彼此友愛的關係
Relationship, especially one of mutual trust or emotional affinity.