拼音:yóu dòng de 英文解釋:
【醫】 nomadic; vagrant; wandering中英例句:
- 現在科學家們認為有些摩擦力是由於物體表面的分子和另一物體表面遊動的分子之間的吸引力所引起的。
Scientists now believe that some of the force of friction is due to attraction between the molecules of one surface and those of the surface sliding over it.
- 一種遊動的表演;具有雜耍和騎車和技能遊戲。
a traveling show; having sideshows and rides and games of skill etc..
- 遊動孢子可遊動的、有鞭毛的無性孢子,如某些海藻和真菌中
A motile, flagellated asexual spore, as of certain algae and fungi.
- 一隻雪白的天鵝快速地遊動著去追趕一條慢慢遊動的(蛇)。
A snow-white swan swam swiftly to catch a slowly-swimming (snake)
- 遊動的鮭魚群(如在溯江洄游途中)
A run of salmon, eg on their way upstream
- 具有一個吸收壁的隨機遊動的平均吸收時間
The average absorbable time about random walks with a absorbable wall