拼音:yóu dàng英文解釋:
loaf about; loiter; debauchery; gad; jazz around; truancy; wander【法】 loitering
(1) ∶閒蕩在大樓外遊蕩(2) ∶漫遊、徘徊、流浪(3) ∶遊逛習慣於在那地區... >>查看“遊蕩”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.loaf 2.jazzaround 3.lousearound 4.potterabout 5.stravage 6.trapes 7.racket 8.wander 9.gad 10.swan 11.gadaboutd 12.truancy 13.debauchery 14.piddle 15.jazz例句:
- 他們應少到各處遊蕩,多用些時間照看子女。They should spend less time gallivanting about and more with their children.
- 放牧地,牧場一片適宜於牲畜遊蕩和進食的廣大土地An expanse of land suitable for livestock to wander and graze on.
- 發現這個男子身無分文,也無證件,在四處遊蕩。The man was found wandering about with no money or papers.
- 他們在世界各地遊蕩,孩子在家無人照看。While they gad about the world, their children are neglected at home.
- 經濟蕭條時期,有好幾百萬的失業者在街頭遊蕩。During the depression, millions of the unemployed wandered around in the streets.