- 在愛中,女人會下注她所擁有的一切,在恨中也是這樣。
A woman puts all her stakes when she lover or hates.
- 他們所擁有的戰艦中,沒有一艘能在速度和火力方面與俾斯麥號相匹敵。
No warship they had could match the Bismarck in speed or in firepower.
- 書籍是人所擁有的,由人使用的,為人服務的。
Books are of the people, by the people, for the people.
- 其中一個農夫擁有的一匹母馬,在市場誕下了小馬。
One of the farmers owned a mare that had foaled in the marketplace.
- 沒有一個值得擁有的人被人完全占有。
No one worth possessing Can be quite possessed.
- 這時,欲望就和你擁有的衝突了。
At that point, a want must go a-wanting
- 私人狩獵區私人擁有的、未被圍起的獵場
A privately owned, unenclosed game preserve
- 我有一種建設而非擁有的喜好。
I have a taste for founding, not for owning