拼音:yōng rén zì rǎo英文解釋:
worry about troubles of one's own imagining中文解釋:
庸人:平凡的人;自擾:自己攪亂自己。指本來無事而去自找麻煩 天下本無事,庸人擾之... >>查看“庸人自擾”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 這完全是庸人自擾。It was all much ado about nothing.
- 他們無中生有,庸人自擾。They have made a great fuss about nothing
- 他們是無中生有,庸人自擾。They are making a lot of fuss about/over nothing
- 不要庸人自擾。It is time enough to cry ho, when you are hurt.
- 她老是庸人自擾沒完沒了。She’s laid up on end of trouble for himself.
- 他們是無中生有,庸人自擾。They are making a lot of fuss about/over nothing.