拼音:yǒng jìn 英文解釋:
flood; afflux中文解釋:
簇擁而入;向前進上課鈴響了,學生們湧進教室改革已成湧進之勢 >>
查看“湧進”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
pack...into 2.
rainin 3.
affluence 中英例句:
- 球迷群情激昂,一窩蜂湧進球場。
The fans rushed onto the pitch in an excited mob.
- 我們大家湧進了哈麗特那狹小的客廳。
We'd all crowded into Harriet's small sitting-room.
- 申請書像潮水般湧進辦公室。
Applications flooded into the office.
- 大減價時大批家庭主婦湧進商店搶購.
A crowd of housewives crowded into the store when the goods were on sale.
- 門一開,人們就湧進大廳
The moment the door opened, people began to pack into the hall.
- 成千上萬的人湧進體育場去觀看這場足球比賽。
Thousands of people poured into the stadium to watch the football match.
- 大批家用電氣產品突然湧進市場。
There was a sudden influx of household electric products onto the market.
- 大批家用電氣產品突然湧進市場。
There was a sudden influx of household electric products onto the market