拼音:yī zhuó英文翻譯
dress【醫】 dressing
1.garmenture 2.habiliments 3.clothing例句:
- 那個 * 有些過份注意他的衣著。The dandy cares too much about the smartness of his clothes.
- 你必須保持衣著整潔。You must keep your clothes clean.
- 我衣著節儉,衣服都是自己做的。I dress very economically because I make all my clothes myself.
- 她的衣著隨著潮流而變化。She varied her dress as fashion changes.
- 年輕姑娘必須言詞謹慎,衣著得體,行為端莊。Young girls must be modest in speech, dress and behavior.
- 你的衣著應與你這種地位的婦女相稱。You should dress in a way that befits a woman of your position.
- 你可以相信他的衣著品位,絕對沒問題。You can trust his unerring taste in cloths.