字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>已註冊的的英文翻譯


拼音:yǐ zhù cè de


【法】 registered


  1. 獲準註冊或被視作已註冊的社團有8695個。
    A total of 8695 societies have been or are deemed to have been registered.
  2. 不過這並不適用於已註冊的tModel的name元素。
    This does not apply to the single name found on a registered tModel
  3. 註:已註冊的參加者將獲發聽講證書。
    Note: A Certificate of Attendance will be given to registered participant.
  4. 不過這並不適用於已註冊的tModel的name元素。
    This does not apply to the single name found on a registered tModel.
  5. 獲準註冊或被視作已註冊的社團有8695個。
    A total of 8695 societies have been or are deemed to have been registered
  6. 註:已註冊的參加者將獲發聽講證書。
    Note: A Certificate of Attendance will be given to registered participant
