拼音:yī zhì英文解釋:
concur; accord; coincide; comport with; concert; concord; conformcorrespond with
【計】 unifying
【醫】 pari passu
【經】 accord; articulate; reconciliation
沒有分歧 >>查看“一致”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.uniformity 2.unanimity 3.accordance 4.withoneaccord 5.coherence 6.congruity 7.accordwith 8.conformance 9.consonance 10.consentience 11.conformability 12.comportwith 13.yoin 14.beatone 15.inatone 16.coincide中英例句:
- 村民一致反對修建旁道。The villagers are unanimous in their opposition to the building of a bypass.
- 他言行一致。His behaviour conforms to his words.
- 在這件事情上我同他是一致的。I am in accordance with him in this matter.
- 他心口一致。His words are in accord with his ideas.
- 他的想法和我的不一致。His ideas do not conform to mine.
- 全中國人民一致提出譴責。The Chinese are unanimous in their condemnation.
- 所有黨派的政治家們都一致譴責他的行為。Politicians from all parties were completely unanimous in condemning his action.
- 委員會一致同意拒絕這項申請。The committee were unanimous that the application should be turned down.