- 譯者不應該擅自把自己的意思加進譯文中。
A translator shouldn't intrude his own opinions into what he's translating.
- 這篇文字有很多潛在的難點,譯者稍一不慎就要出錯。
This text presents many pitfalls for the translator.
- 來源:由譯者提供的一個檔案謄寫。
Source: Transcribed from a file provided by the translator
- 我抱歉,這個譯者翻譯揮動英文。
I am sorry, this translator translate wield English.
- 一位通曉多種語言的翻譯者
A multilingual translator
- 我認為譯者漏掉了原著中一些微妙之處。
I think the translator missed some of the subtleties of the original.
- 譯者必須完全投入詩人的世界。
The translator has to immerse himself in the world of the poet.